Evolve your meetings beyond agendas and action items to achieve better outcomes

So… I need to teach people about the different types of meetings and how to know what truly warrants a synchronous meeting. I’m going to ask Bob to help. Me (Wendy): “Hey Bob, I need help in “teaching” people about…

Do you know why you need to determine your purpose first? (Part 2)

In the last post, we talked about the need to determine our purpose first as it is our reason for waking up every morning. We also mentioned there are a number of ways to figure it out, but I’d like…

Do you know why you need to determine your purpose first? (Part 1)

If you were to ask someone in Japan when they will retire, they would look at you with a befuddled face! You see, in Japan there is no word for retirement in their dictionary. However, if you asked them for…