Want to take a peek at the most audacious corporate experiment?

Leadership Memo 2024-4 Imagine the challenges facing a US$50 billion multi-national company with a 160-year history: share price at a 20-year low (down 50% from a year ago), litigation, high debt, and losing patents on some of their most important…

Unlimited Laser Coaching Program OPEN! (early bird special for subscribers)

As a subscriber to this blog, you’re among the first to know about the opening of my Focused Action Results (F.A.R.) Unlimited Laser Coaching Program. You’ll see in a moment why this matters. Almost every leader I know, from the…

What the Holidays Teach Us In How to Reignite Our Creativity

Leadership Memo 2024-1 Happy New Year! Did you have a refreshing time away from work? Now that you’re back from the break, do you find yourself having lots of ideas swimming in your head or flashes of insights that enable…

Would you be surprised if I tell you that failure can be good for you?

We usually think of failure as negative. But wise people know how to take advantage of it. They learn from it. They use it as an education. How can failures be good? 1. Failures can educate us. Mistakes are simply…

What do you do when you fail? Give up or keep going?

Never forget this truth: Most failures won’t kill you. We vastly exaggerate the effects of failure. We blow the prospects of failing all out of proportion. Failing is not the end of the world. The fear of failure is far…

Do you realize that the fear of failure has a maddening grip on our lives?

In some cultures, failure is almost the unpardonable sin. That’s because we idolize success. But that kind of pressure creates major stress for people. The fear of failure has many different faces. It can cause us to be indecisive, a…

How do you treat your intelligent failures? Embarrassed or excited?

Leadership Memo 2023-12 Would you agree that failure (try something out that didn’t work the way you’d hoped) is a lot more common in highly uncertain environments than it is in better-understood situations? Yet, instead of learning from failures, many…

What do we do when people hurt us? Don’t Repeat the Hurt. Let It Go!

We are at the end of this mini-series. We’ve discussed how to deal with difficult people and the demanding people. Last week, we looked at people who disappoint us. Today, we’re going to discuss how to deal with people who…

Responding with Grace: How to Deal with Disappointing People

Everyone in our life is going to disappoint us at some point. Why? Because no one is perfect! So, how do we deal with disappointing people? Be rude and judgemental? Would you believe me if I told you we can…

Empathy in Action: Being Tender Without Surrender to Demanding Behaviour

Some people always want their own way. They’ve got a right way and a wrong way to do something, and your way is always the wrong way. When you don’t meet their standards, they’re going to let you know about…